There were 4 close up shots of the CB radio in the movie. It is a Pace CB166 model radio with a Pace SCAN 10-4U model scanner sitting on top. It is positioned on the forward area of the center console with an automatic shifter. This appears to be B Roll footage that was filmed outside the normal filming schedule. The location of the radio and scanner would interfere with the automatic shifter when you tried to put the car into park. This is the radio used for the story, but it does not appear that this radio was actually installed in any of the Trans Ams during primary filming.

For all primary filming, most of the Trans Ams were equipped with a Pace CB144 model radio and a Pace SCAN 10-4U model scanner. The radio and scanner were mounted to the lower dash trim plate just below and to the right of the steering column. The movie never focuses on this radio but you can see parts of it in several scenes throughout the movie. You can also distinguish it from the CB166 on the console vs. the CB144 on the dash because the CB144 uses a different microphone with a rectangle logo. If you follow the direction of the stretched microphone cord it angles back towards the dash mount vs. the console mount.

The Trans Am also uses an "Antenna Specialists" brand M-176 model CB antenna. It was mounted to the center of the roof aligned with the rear of the T-Top frames.
